We know air quality | Black & Veatch
Environmental Services

Air Regulation & Sciences

We have the comprehensive knowledge to help you manage and reduce emissions, while achieving schedule certainty and operating flexibility

Air Regulation & Sciences

As a power producer, water or wastewater utility, data center operator, oil and gas processor, or other industrial, chemical, or manufacturing facility owner, meeting or exceeding air quality regulations is critical to your operations. Comprehensive environmental expertise, integrated with specialized engineering and construction experience, can make complex business decisions easier and avoid costly schedule delays. Black & Veatch provides a holistic infrastructure lifecycle view with an integrated solutions approach to ensure more efficient, timely, and sustainable project outcomes.

Few companies offer firsthand knowledge of the engineering process workflow progress and understanding of air permitting requirements. Today, we apply our depth of knowledge at scale and across all industries and facility types. Whether you need assistance with one specific phase or an entire project or program, Black & Veatch has extensive experience with all stages: from studies and program planning to engineer and permitting, to procurement through final implementation. 

Air quality regulations can create uncertainty and challenges for energy providers. As a result, electric power generators face complex decisions, including economics, operating scenarios and technology selection. We help clients make educated and confident decisions for on time and on budget projects. Our programmatic approach helps clients establish a comprehensive compliance strategy and integrate environmental objectives into their business operations. We address environmental risk management and help achieve maximum operating flexibility.

When financing, building or upgrading infrastructure, diligent planning identifies, avoids and mitigates project risks. We perform siting studies to support project design and construction activities, and specialized air quality studies related to odor mitigation, toxic health risk analysis, deposition, visibility impairment, cooling tower plume studies, and assessment of greenhouse gas inventories. Air dispersion modeling and meteorological/climatological assessments are other pre-construction solutions that offset downstream project delays.


Our wide range of integrated air quality environmental services include:

  • New Source Review Consultation
  • Air Quality/Meteorological Monitoring
  • Climatological Studies
  • Air Dispersion Modeling for Criteria Pollutants, Toxic Pollutants and Odors
  • Cooling Tower Plume Modeling
  • BACT/BART/RACT/MACT Determinations 
  • PSD/State Air Permit Applications 
  • Title V Applications and Compliance Audits 
  • Clean Air Act Compliance 
  • Air Emissions Inventories/Greenhouse Gas Inventories/Toxic Release Inventory (TRI)
  • Multipollutant Regulatory Analysis and Planning

Our air quality control technology solution support includes:

  • Preliminary Engineering for Environmental Retrofit Planning
  • NOx (Nitrogen Oxide) Control, from Neural Networks to Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) systems
  • SO2 (sulfur dioxide), Particulate (PM + PM10), Mercury (Hg) and Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) Control and Reduction Systems
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